Yannick Pilon, B.Sc.L.A., A.A.P.Q/C.S.L.A.
Golf Course Architect
A Passion that Started Early
My passion for golf and drafting started when I was a child. At the early age of eight, "The World Atlas of Golf" quickly became a source of fascination. This great book, first published in 1976, and republished many times since, showcased impressive renderings of the world's best golf courses. Sparked by this new interest in golf courses and the art of golf course architecture, I soon tried to replicate these renderings, and create some of my own.
Some Positive Feedback
By the age of 15 I became confident enough in my drafting skills to send one of my plans to Jack Nicklaus for some comments. Surprisingly, I got some very positive feedback from a member of his staff who encouraged me to study in Landscape Architecture before applying for a design position in a golf design firm.
A Golden Opportunity
This feedback lead to a bachelor's degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Montreal, which I obtained in 1998 with honours. I soon began working for Graham Cooke & Assoc. Inc., and joined at a time when work was abundant. My first few years in the office were spent learning about all the important facets of golf course design and construction. As years went by, my input in the design and construction of the Graham Cooke courses increased, and I eventually worked alongside Graham as a co-designer on selected projects, such as The Islesmere Golf Club, The Richelieu Valley Golf Club, and the Club de Golf Les Boisés de Joly.
Valuable Travels
As I gained this invaluable experience, I also started to travel extensively, for work, but also to play and study some of the world's great courses and learn as much as I could from their particular attributes. Fantastic trips to Scotland and many regions of the United States and Canada have helped me understand the incredible value of imaginative design based on the subtleties of the sites that these great golf courses sit on and the importance of their integration in their immediate surroundings. To this day, these trips are still at the basis of my continuing education in the art of golf course architecture.
A New Beginning
With 14 years of experience working in the industry on various types of projects, I have now launched Yannick Pilon Golf to share my passion of golf course architecture with golf clubs and golfers everywhere. I hope you will come along for the ride!
5795, Ave. De Gaspé, Suite 207, Montreal, Quebec, H2S 2X3, CANADA Tel.: 514.917.4327 E-mail: ypilon@yannickpilongolf.com
Copyright Yannick Pilon Golf 2017